Indiana Addendum
In the event of a conflict between the Handbook and any provision of an applicable Addendum, the conflict will be resolved as follows:
- If a benefit provided by the University is more generous than the benefit provided in the applicable Addendum, the University will offer the employee the more generous benefit unless such benefit is limited by statute (e.g., to residents of or employees working in Colorado).
- If a University policy or procedure provides an employee with more protection than that provided under the applicable Addendum, the University’s more protective policy or procedure will apply to internal University processes, and the policy or procedure specified in the applicable Addendum will apply to external proceedings in the applicable state or local agency.
For example, if the University’s Discrimination and Harassment Policy includes more protected statuses than a particular state provides, the University’s Discrimination and Harassment Policy and the applicable procedures established by the Office of Equal Opportunity & Title IX (EOIX) will apply to a report or complaint filed with EOIX. For a complaint filed with the state or local civil rights agency, the protections afforded under the state Addendum will apply.
Employees with questions about the Handbook or any applicable Addendum should contact their HR Partner at
Equal Employment and Anti-Discrimination Policy
This is only an excerpt of the University of Denver’s Non-Discrimination and Discrimination and Harassment policy with state specific information included in italics. Please refer to the complete policy for further information.
The University of Denver is an equal opportunity employer and makes employment decisions based on merit and University needs. Creating an inclusive and professional environment where employees feel comfortable, safe, and free from inappropriate and disrespectful conduct is one of the University’s core values.
The University of Denver does not discriminate against (in any aspect of employment, including recruiting and hiring, job assignment, compensation, opportunities for advancement, promotion, transfers, evaluation, benefits, training, discipline, and termination), nor does it tolerate harassment by any person, including, co-workers, supervisors, and third parties, on the basis of the following Protected Characteristics: In Indiana: race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, ancestry, national origin, age, pregnancy, genetic information, disability, citizenship status, and military status
Information about the Indiana Civil Rights Commission can be found at or by calling (800) 628-2909 or (800) 457-8283 or texting (855) 463-5292.
Jury Duty Leave
The University of Denver encourages all employees to report for jury duty and provides Indiana employees with unpaid time off for jury duty service. While leave to serve on a jury is unpaid, exempt salaried employees will not have their pay reduced for any week in which they work and also miss time for jury duty.
After receiving a summons for jury duty, employees must notify the University of Denver as soon as reasonably possible. The University of Denver may request reasonable documentation of jury duty service to the extent permitted by law. The University of Denver will not discharge, discipline, retaliate against, coerce, or otherwise penalize employees who are absent to attend judicial proceedings in response to a summons for jury duty.
Employees will be excused from work for all days that they are involved in jury duty. The University of Denver will not require or request employees use vacation for time spent responding to a jury duty summons, participating in jury selection, or actually serving on a jury.
If the University of Denver has 10 or fewer full-time employees, and one employee is already serving jury duty, the court will postpone and reschedule the service of a summoned juror upon request.
Meal and Rest Breaks
Non-exempt Indiana employees under 18 who work at least six hours in their workday are entitled and expected to take one or two unpaid, off-duty rest breaks totaling 30-minutes. Employees will be relieved of all duties for the full rest break(s) and are free to leave the premises during that time. Failure to take full rest breaks is a violation of University of Denver policy, which may subject employees to disciplinary action, possibly including termination of employment.
Military Service Leave
This is only an excerpt of the University of Denver’s Leave of Absence policy with state specific information included in italics. Please refer to the complete policy for further information.
Employees may take military leave for training and other non-active-duty activities in accordance with applicable law.
- Indiana employees who are members of the state uniformed services may take up to 15 days of military leave per year.
When the need for military leave is foreseeable, employees must notify their supervisor as far in advance as possible. If employees have written authorization from their military branch for the leave, employees should provide it when they request leave. An employee is generally only entitled to rights and benefits under USERRA if the University of Denver receives advance notice of the employee’s intent to take military leave unless it is impossible or unreasonable to give advance notice.
- Indiana employees must give at least 90 days’ notice to be eligible for leave as a member of a state uniformed service.
Volunteer Emergency Responder Leave
Indiana employees who are volunteer firefighters, volunteer emergency medical services providers or members of the civil air patrol may take unpaid time off to fulfill their emergency duties with these organizations. If an employee is injured while acting as a volunteer firefighter or emergency medical service providers they may take up to six months of unpaid time off to recover.
Employees must provide the University of Denver reasonable advance notice of the need for leave under this Addendum. The University of Denver may not allow the employee to take leave on the grounds that they are an essential employee to the University of Denver. The University of Denver may request reasonable documentation reflecting the need for such leave, including a written statement from their superior at the organization stating the nature and duration of the emergency to which they responded or from a physician regarding the injury and its connection with the emergency response duty. Employees must notify the University of Denver in writing that they are a member of one of these organizations. Only non-essential University of Denver employees are eligible for leave. If employees are ineligible for leave, they should notify their superior at the respective organization of the ineligibility.
Employees may use available vacation during otherwise unpaid time off taken under this Addendum.
Witness Duty Leave
Indiana employees may take unpaid time off to appear in court to comply with a subpoena or court order as a witness in a criminal case.
Employees must provide the University of Denver reasonable advance notice of the need to take time off under this Addendum. The University of Denver may request reasonable documentation reflecting the need for such leave. The University of Denver will treat all information related to an employee’s leave pursuant to this Addendum as confidential, except as required by law. The University of Denver will not discriminate or retaliate against any employee for requesting or taking leave in compliance with this Addendum.
Employees may use available vacation during otherwise unpaid time off taken under this Addendum.