Sexual Harassment and Gender-Based Violence

As set forth in the University’s Discrimination and Harassment Policy, the University will not tolerate sexual harassment or gender-based violence of any kind, including sexual assault, relationship or dating violence, and stalking.  When the University becomes aware that a member of the University community may have been subjected to or affected by sexual harassment or gender-based violence, the University will take prompt, appropriate action to enforce this policy. The University’s Office of Equal Opportunity & Title IX (“EOIX”) is responsible for enforcing this policy pursuant to the University’s Comprehensive Discrimination and Harassment Procedures and Title IX Sexual Harassment Procedures, which offer options for informal and formal resolution.

Reports or complaints of sexual harassment and gender-based violence should be made directly to the Office of Equal Opportunity & Title IX by contacting the office at:

          Driscoll Center South

          Suite 30 2050 E. Evans Avenue

          Denver, CO 80208

          Phone: 303-871-7016

          Email: or


          Online Reporting form: Equal Opportunity Online Report Form


For more information regarding reporting options and resources both at DU and within the community, please see DU’s sexual assault and gender-based violence website.

For more information about an employee's responsibility to report suspected violations of the University's Discrimination and Harassment Policy, please review the Reporting Policy and EOIX’s Understanding Reporting website.

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